Any sport suitable for people of all ages

You can offer any sport during the Generation Games. As long as the activity is fun and suitable for people of all ages. Regardless fitness level and how experienced. Below, we share some suggestions about the kind of sports and the number of sports.

Suggestions and tips

t’s your party: you choose the kind of sports, and the number of sports. It can be tennis, soccer, hockey, disc-golf, volleyball, korfball, archery, rowing, basketball, judo, chess, and so forth. You decide!

TIP: you can think of a mix of popular, well-known sports and activities and sports most people are less familiar with. A mix of Olympic and non-Olympic sports.

The Generation Games is a multi-sports event. So, it’s good that you offer around 10-15 sports activities. More sports is possible, that’s up to you. Generation Games Tampere, 8 July 2017, offered over 25 sports activities.

The sports activities should underline the intergenerational philosophy: collaboration, learning, and passing on. So, all the team players should be involved. Participants of all levels of fitness and abilities should feel comfortable in participating.

HOCKEY, LAUSANNE 2016 EDITION Photography: Julia Wimmerlin

You can think of a mix of popular, well-known sports and activities and sports most people are less familiar with. A mix of Olympic and non-Olympic sports.

Each sports activity lasts about 10 minutes, on average. Some a bit shorter, some a bit longer. There should be some time-limit built in. After completing one sport, the generation team moves on to their next activity.

TIP: in preparing the event, write down for each sport what is needed materials, location, perhaps electricity, kind of surface. We can send you an Excel sheet with the relevant categories.

The sports are accompanied by volunteers, for example by the local sports clubs or students. Make sure you have enough volunteers to accompany the generation teams. Please also see under 5. COORDINATION & PARTNERS.

JUDO, ROTTERDAM 2012 Photography: Gidn Hendriksen

Each team receives a scorecard: the results per activity are written down. Please check the toolkit for the scorecard design.

The activity should not be too challenging or dangerous. You don’t want injuries! We advise you to offer activities for each team, as an individual team effort. For some activities, you can consider some matches between teams.

As described under 2. THE LOCATION: the surface needs to be smooth for some sports. For others, the underground is of less importance. Please check if the location you have chosen or in mind, will provide a good surface.

Next to sports activities, consider offering some fun additional activities. Please also check the Questions & Answers (e.g. relay batons project, and the Generation Games Sport Quiz).

You could offer some demos and clinics, by local heroes, perhaps even national athletes (Olympians/ Paralympians) of all ages. Our experience: these side-events are really appreciated!

You can think of a mix of popular, well-known sports and activities and sports most people are less familiar with. A mix of Olympic and non-Olympic sports.

FOOTBALL, LAUSANNE 2016 Photography: Julia Wimmerlin